Monday, March 10, 2008

He Blew Out His Diaper

It's funny how good Asher is at proving his mother wrong...

Last week, despite the awful wintry weather, we traveled to Dayton for an overnight visit with Jeff, Angela, Rowan and Lily. (See adorable pictures and a super cute video on their blog here.) While there, Asher had a pretty massive poopie diaper that leaked out the leg hole a little bit. Angela asked, "Have you had any explosive diapers?" I replied hesitantly, "No. Not yet."

I knew it was coming. They had forewarned us months ago, before Asher was even born, of The Hot Mustard Explosions that parents need to be prepared for. And since Angela asked if it had occurred and I was able to give a negative answer, it was bound to happen.

So, this afternoon after feeding my sweet little pumpkin, I heard a familiar rumbling in his pants below. I took him to the changing table and began cleaning him up. But man, as I was wiping off his rumpus, I noticed that the poop was not stationed solely in its normal locale. No - I had to keep wiping further and further north, until I realized that we were way beyond the safety net of the diaper zone - in fact, the poop went over halfway up his back, soaking through his undershirt to his outer shirt. Luckily, despite the fact that I am usually impatient and easily stressed-out, I am incredibly appreciative of the humor in poop. So we had a good laugh (well, Asher was freaking out, but I got a good enough laugh at his expense for the both of us) and a bath.

Then, not more than a half an hour later, he pooped some more, prompting me to change his diaper again. The poop stayed where it was supposed to (thank GOD), but as I pulled off his pants I noticed his undershirt was wet and so was his upper thigh. Argh. Another mess - this time of the weeder variety.

I'm thinking there's a distinct possibility that he's outgrown his britches. Thankfully, we only have a few more stage one sized Pampers left and, thanks to Mom, a whole package of stage two sized Luvs to poop in.


Dawn 3/11/2008 9:05 AM  

Emerson gave me a few of those messes too, and as much as I like to talk about poop, I don't like to see it. Just a few short months Asher will be pooping like you! :)

Em's getting ready to move into size 2 diapers too...she and Asher must be about the same size!

Dawn 3/11/2008 9:15 AM  

P.S. I checked out the pictures of Asher and his cousin, Rowan. They are both cuties!

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 3/12/2008 11:10 AM  

Isn't it bad enough I've had to listen to you and Dawn talk about gas and poop for the last 3 years??? (:

The Daily Squink 3/19/2008 8:50 AM  

We took pictures of Rowan's poop too! After having a baby, poop has taken on a whole new meaning.

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