Monday, January 28, 2008

To Grandmother's House We Went

On Saturday evening, we rounded up the boy and headed north to Logantucky for our first attempt at making an overnight visit at someone else's house. What better people to serve as guinea pigs for our test run than Nee Nee, Pa Pa, and Aunt Jamie? After all, if absolute and utter chaos were to occur, they couldn't very well kick us out of the house. Not with their beloved grandson, at least.

Alas, everything went really well. Asher was on very good behavior, for the most part, and thoroughly enjoyed being constantly doted on by people other than his mommy. For me? At the risk of sounding like a terrible mother, it was pure heaven to go someplace and let other people care for the guy for awhile. I even pumped milk for him, as opposed to nursing, to further free myself from the baby chains and allow other family members to bond with him through feeding him. Now, thanks to having a day that was semi-responsibility-free, I feel refreshed, relaxed, and ready to take back the role of primary caregiver.

Of course, this time tomorrow, I'll probably be dying to go back to my mother's, but at least I got one day of confidence out of the weekend.


The Daily Squink 1/29/2008 9:36 AM  

Awwww! I wuv him!

Is he starting to get "old man hair"? Where it all recedes from the front, leaving just a ring around the back and bottom?

Kim 1/29/2008 1:11 PM  

He was actually born with an old man mullet - a ring of long hair around the back and bottom!

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 1/29/2008 10:26 PM  

Mmmmm I bet he smells good! (; I love baby scent!!

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