Tuesday, January 01, 2008

6 1/2 Hours To Go...

I am supposed to be at the hospital at six a.m. tomorrow - I most definitely ought to be in bed right now. But, we just got home and the last thing I feel like doing is sleeping. Actually, my body is all for sleeping - that's how it spent the majority of New Year's Day - but my mind is on overdrive. We, of course, didn't get the house all in tip-top order as I'd commanded Stephen to do (because I was too busy sleeping and moaning about my fat, swollen feet to do any real work myself). And then there's the little tiny bit of stress looming in my brain about GIVING BIRTH tomorrow morning. What makes that even more thrilling is that I will have the pleasure of getting up at five a.m. to do such a pleasant task. But oh well. Comes with the territory, I suppose.

So how did we spend our last night of "freedom"? We totally went crazy. We stayed in our pajamas all day long and didn't take our showers or get dressed until 7:30 this evening. We worked on last minute details in the nursery and did almost all the laundry (by "we" I mean "Stephen" with me barking out orders). I took a couple of nice naps. Stephen treated me to dinner for my last supper before birth, so I chose Olive Garden. We didn't eat until almost 9:00, figuring since I'm not really supposed to eat after midnight tonight we should delay dinner until as late as possible. After cleaning our plates, we splurged and split an order of Tiramisu. Sadly, Stephen did not think I needed another five orders of the dessert - that was the only disappointing part of the evening. Then we trekked over to Wal-Mart in the cold, snowy weather to pick up some last minute supplies - fun stuff, like my 50th tub of tummy butter and a pack of SUPER ABSORBENT maxi pads and cloth diapers to serve as burp cloths (the cloth diapers will serve as burp cloths, not the maxi pads - those are mine to enjoy). And now here we are - me, procrastinating bed time by typing this crappy post, and Stephen, out in the garage trying to install the car seat.

(Oh my God, I'm going to have a car seat in the car. With a baby in it.)

Surprisingly, I'm not freaking out nearly as much as I thought I would be. I am EXTREMELY nervous and scared, don't get me wrong, but I really haven't been dwelling on it all that much. I've come to the realization that, duh, there's nothing I can do about it now other than go through with it. Worrying will do me no good, so I'm trying my best just not to even think about it. I'm obviously SO VERY excited and happy, too, to finally meet the little man who I've been dreaming about the past nine months. I can't even imagine how incredible it's going to feel when I get to hold him for the first time. However, I'm strangely a bit sad that the pregnancy is coming to an end, as well. For the past couple of days, every time I feel him squirm in my tummy I remind myself to enjoy the sensation because it'll soon be over. This is the last night I'll spend cradling Baby Neener inside of me. I'm also a little bit in shock that it's happening "so soon". Tomorrow! I'll finally be a mother. I don't know how ready I am to be a mother, but then again, Baby Neener doesn't know how ready he is to be a son, either, so we're both just going to take it one day at a time together and figure things out as they come up. Lord help us both. Stephen, on the other hand, is as cool as a cucumber. He's been stressing about money and finding a real job, but as far as actually having a baby, he seems to be completely at ease. Of course he does, though - he gets to sit on the sidelines and watch me do all the pushing tomorrow and all the breastfeeding for the next several months. Men. You have it so easy, you lucky bastards.

I would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has called, e-mailed, and messaged us over the past couple of days wishing us good luck, well wishes, and prayers. It means so much to us that you've kept us in your thoughts and we can use all the prayers we can get. Unfortunately, it seems that a nasty flu/cold bug is going around and afflicting several of our friends and family members, so we probably won't have as big a turnout at the hospital tomorrow as had been expected. However, that could very well be a good thing, considering how crazy we're going to be feeling, anyway. (And by "we" I mean "me".) Stephen - or even me, if that epidural is as wonderful as everyone says it will be - plans on posting updates to the blog tomorrow, so if you are unable to make it over, you can still keep tabs on us.

Six more hours to go...


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