Monday, December 10, 2007

A Glimpse of Baby Neener

Our ultrasound this morning confirmed what everyone already knew: Baby Neener is a big baby.

He's apparently already at full-term size, weighing in at approximately 7.5 pounds, and is estimated to keep gaining about a half a pound per week. I have four more weeks to go. Do the math yourself; I'm choosing to remain in denial.

I asked my doctor if she's concerned about this, and she stated that there are always added concerns when the baby is large, especially in terms of how the delivery will go. Big babies are more likely to do more damage to your body coming out, there are higher risks of having a difficult labor, and there is a higher chance of the need for a C-section. I asked her what the game plan is and basically, for now, she's just going to closely monitor my progress. Next week she will begin checking my cervix on a weekly basis and she said if I begin to dilate she may induce me a little early. However, if I don't begin to dilate, we'll just ride it out until the due date.

For the most part, we learned nothing we didn't already know. Although, I did gain a substantial amount of fear of my upcoming labor. That made it all well worth it.

We have uploaded the short ultrasound video if you would like to take a peek. It mostly consists of the technician taking boring measurements of the top of the head and cross-sections of the abdomen, but there are a few good shots of Baby Neener's sweet little face and profile. (Note: the ultrasound doesn't start until about 23 seconds into the video.)

Our 7.5 pound baby appears to have really adorable chubby cheeks. Gee, I wonder why?


Dawn 12/10/2007 9:44 PM  

I did the math and re-did my math b/c I didn't think my answer was possible....WOW!

I told Emerson about him and she can't wait to meet him. She has a thing for big boys! :)

Marmie 12/12/2007 3:02 PM  

I can't get it to come one. That baby will be as big as Wesley and I ate to my hearts content.

Marmie 12/12/2007 3:03 PM  

I cna't type a tall. "come on"

The Daily Squink 12/12/2007 3:11 PM  

I cain't see the video neither!

Once again, the doctors can't tell you anything! Isn't it frustrating?

I don't know if people have told you or not, but inducing can be pretty painful, because the contractions don't build up -- they just come on real strong all at once. I know you were planning on getting an epidural anyway, but if you're induced, you will definitely need one. Or so I hear. Don't fear the labor though -- you saw me with my epidural. The epidural made everything all better after I had it.

Do I sound like a big proponent of drugs? I guess I am, after just having been thru it. We were totally going to try to do it without drugs beforehand, but when the shit hit the fan, drugs were the way to go. And Rowan was just fine afterwards -- alert, eager to breastfeed and strong.

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home 12/12/2007 8:03 PM  

Hopefully nature will just take its course and you won't have to be induced, I have heard the same things as Angela about the pain. But seriously, we woman are nuts, I had Sloan natural (only cause my labor was easy), others don't, some are induced, others aren't, as long as Baby Neener is here with us and is healthy and hopefully under 20 pounds, that's all that really matters!

The Daily Squink 12/13/2007 11:55 AM  

I finally saw the video -- that is amazing how well you can see his face!

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