Monday, April 16, 2007

Sweet Find of the Week:

Bubblegum Octopus

Browsing through the music profiles on MySpace this weekend led me to the craziest thing I've ever heard.

Bubblegum Octopus.

The genre? "Electronica/Pop/Death Metal." Impossible, you say? Oh yeah, well take a listen, smartypants. (I personally recommend, "You're a Bad Cat Man." If you're further intrigued, there are a few more songs here.)

The description of this artist on reads as follows:

"NJ based solo project of Matthew "m@" Morden. The style is more or less a mixture of synth pop, digital grindcore, dance music, and video game music. The most commonly noted element of his music is the vocals which are generally a girly falsetto that suddenly drops to a chaotic death growl. Pop meets death metal. He recently performed at his high school, in which he was booed off of the stage. "

It's bad. Really bad. And I totally want a CD.

Despite how much I hate to quote a John Mellencamp song, I will: it hurts so good. Because you know what? Anything that makes me laugh so hard that I pee a little gets two thumbs way up from me.


The Daily Squink 4/18/2007 10:28 AM  

Love it! This is the best bad new music I've heard in a long time!

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