Trip to Chicago Was a Memorable One
On Saturday evening we drove up to Chicago to spend a day with Angie. We were looking very forward to our trip, as (a) we love Chicago and (b) we love Angie. Angie lives downtown in Lincoln Park - her neighborhood is absolutely darling and complete with a bazillion things to do within walking distance. We went to a little authentic Mexican restaurant on her corner for dinner (which was muy delicioso), and afterwards we took a cab over to The Second City. I'm very sheltered - this was actually my first cab ride ever. (Gee, and it was just like riding in the back of a car, imagine that!) We were privileged enough to be seated in the theater right in front of the stage (we were sitting so close that Angie was literally using the stage as an armrest and the actors were only about 10 feet away from us). The show was hilarious. At the end of the performance, they announced they would perform some improv. As they started their first skit, without any notice or forewarning, Jim Belushi walked out on stage and began performing. It was so cool - of all the nights for us to be there! Mr. Belushi and his son, Robert, were the special guests of the evening (probably because Saturday was the theater's 47th anniversary), so they performed for 30-45 minutes with the cast. During one of the goofy skits, Mr. Belushi was acting like a horny dog and actually crawled onto our tiny, wobbly table and humped it! It was so hilarious, and we truly felt so honored.
Sunday, we met Angie's friend, Becky, at a local cafe for brunch. Again, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous at how cool her neighborhood is - brimming with people, little shops, cafes, restaurants and bars. Then we made the trek to Bolingbrook to go to IKEA and Chevy's Fresh Mex restaurant, because to us, a trip up there just isn't complete without going to IKEA and Chevy's (since we don't have either in Indiana).
To sum it up - we had a fabulous time. It's too bad Stephen has to work weekends so we couldn't spend more time up there, but on the other hand, had we been able to spend more time there, we possibly may have never came back!
Unfortunately, we only took a handful of pictures. You can click here if you wish to see them.
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